Circus Ponies NoteBook: A Mac‑savvy Way to Organize Information

Do you ever have trouble retrieving information on your Mac when you need it? Most of us get tons of e‑mail and surf dozens (or hundreds) of web sites every week. We also play—and work—in social-media sites where our friends and colleagues bombard us with quotations, links, images, audio and video files, and more. Lots of this information is interesting, and plenty of it is useful—if you can ever find it again later.

There are a lot of software products available to help you organize information, but Circus Ponies™ Software’s NoteBook is one of the most powerful tools we’ve encountered. It uses the visual metaphor of …[READ MORE]

markCTO Services: System Design

This is the first in a series of posts describing the services that markCTO offers and how we can help make your office work for you.

Laptop of dreamsStarting with a well-designed system of computer hardware and software is essential to running an efficient, productive office, whether you’re launching a new business or expanding or replacing your old system. You have the talent and the passion to succeed—now you need the right equipment for the job: enough processing power, storage space, and memory—and the software and peripherals to support the work you do. You’ll save time, stress, and money by putting some planning into your purchasing and setup decisions.

markCTO can be your partner in the system design process. We have extensive experience with the whole array of products from Apple, as well as familiarity with third-party software and equipment. We constantly research product upgrades and new releases so we can supply our clients with the latest, best information. We can help you design a system that fits your technical needs, your workstyle, and your budget.

Call 713-569-3845 or send us e-mail to find out more about how markCTO can design the right system for you.